NW region

The Northwest Development Region (Northern Transylvania) is one of the eight development regions in Romania and is composed of six counties: Bihor, Bistriţa-Năsăud, Cluj, Maramureş, Satu Mare and Sălaj.

Mission & vision

The North-West Regional Development Agency has been involved, since its establishment, in various strategically important partnerships through which it supports regional development objectives.

Information of public interest

On this page you can find both the information that is provided ex officio, as well as all the standard forms necessary to obtain other information of public interest that can be provided, upon request, by ADR Nord-Vest.

Regional Development Agency (ADR) Northwest

It was established in accordance with Law 151/1998 by decision no. 4/ 16.12.1998 of the Council for Regional Development (CDR) of the North-West Development Region, as a body of public utility, with legal personality, acting in areas specific to regional development.

ADR Nord-Vest is the executive body of the Council for Regional Development of the North-West Development Region.

Completed projects
Contracts signed
Total value
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